Parish Directives from Archbishop Alexander Regarding COVID-19

Dear faithful of St Tikhon Orthodox Parish,

As many of you might have seen on the OCA website, the Synod of Bishops put out new directives regarding services and the efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Today, our Archbishop also put out directives specifically for his communities that are even more conservative, as he says in the attached letter:

“In the past 48 hours it has become clear that if we do not slow the rate of infection through social distancing (i.e., self-imposed isolation) our healthcare system is likely to be overwhelmed by the number of cases… out of love for our neighbor, we must do everything we can to protect the vulnerable by slowing the rate of infection not only in our parishes, but in the greater community, and thereby allowing the hospitals and medical community to more adequately care for those most at risk.”

As of today St Tikhon will be adhering to the following directives from Archbishop Alexander:

• All parish and mission events and activities, including coffee fellowship, church school, and the rest, and all services other than the Sunday Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, the Vesperal Liturgy of the Great Feast of Annunciation, and the Presanctified Liturgies, are cancelled through March 29, beginning from today. At which point we will adjust this as the situation warrants.

Everyone in the parish or mission, other than the priest (and deacon), a reader, a server, and no more than two (2) chanters or singers (all of whom are physically strong and at low risk for COVID-19), should remain at home, even at the time of the Divine Liturgy. The holy body and precious blood of our Lord can never be a source of disease, it is after all for the healing of soul and body, but the COVID-19 virus can still be passed through the congregation. All who are “at risk” – the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, any who are actively sick or exhibiting signs of illness – should absolutely absent themselves from the services.

This essentially covers all services for the month of March. I'll be sending an email to certain choir members and servers to see who I can get to help cover the four services that will take place in the time frame from now through March 29th. There will be no Presanctified Liturgy this coming Wednesday because I'll be out of town. We are planning on serving the Vesperal Liturgy for Annunciation the following week. 

I encourage each and everyone of you to practice "social distancing" in the next month as much as possible. 

I know a number of people still have to go to work, so take care of yourselves as best as you can!

I also know that there will be a number of people in our parish who will be affected by this pandemic financially, as well as other ways. I will be working with the mission council to see how we can provide whatever help people need. As St Paul reminds us,

“As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto those who are of the household of faith.”

If ANY of you are having financial struggles or any hardships, please email Fr Seth! This is what we are here for as a body of believers. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.

As Archbishop Alexander ends his letter with:

“This is not the season of Great Lent we anticipated, but it is nonetheless a fitting Lenten effort: focus on the greater good of our neighbors, recognizing that this initial response to this pandemic will work for the greater good of our faithful and our neighbors. Use this time of “social distancing” for prayer and to keep vigil “in one’s cell.” 

Finally, I leave you with these practical words from our Chancellor, Fr Marcus in Greenville:

“For those of you who are asked to attend service, we ask the following: please wash your hands upon entering the Church in the kitchen sink. Do not kiss any item or the hand of the priest. Icons may be reverenced with the sign of the cross and a bow instead of a kiss. Candles may be lit. The Eucharist will be administered as always: in the usual manner, for the healing of soul and body. There will not be Zapifka wine (though there may be blessed bread) following Communion. After the dismissal of the Liturgy, the priest will not provide the cross for veneration, but rather give a blessing with his hand (but not extend his hand for reverence). After each service all liturgical objects and surfaces will be thoroughly disinfected.

As at any other time, if you desire a sick visit or for communion to be brought to you because of illness or infirmity, please contact the priest. Provided he is healthy, he will arrange a visit.

Often times there is a piety that requires one to be at the Church, even while overcome with sickness. Under the circumstances of a pandemic, this is an unwise piety. Be vigilant with your prayers at home with a blessing to be absent until symptoms are past, and until this outbreak resolves. Since testing is lagging behind the spread of the virus, it is unwise to assume that typical viral symptoms are other than COVID-19 for your own sake and out of love for your brothers and sisters in Christ, but also for your neighbors.

Also, keep perspective; prepare, but do not panic. Any individual is not at great risk even if he or she gets the virus. We are simply doing our best to slow the rate of spread of the virus so we don't overwhelm our hospitals. Regardless, the Lord remains our refuge and strength. To trust in the Lord amid trouble is to experience and bear witness to the power of Christ. Pray for the sick and the anxious, for doctors and nurses, and for caregivers. As Orthodox Christians, we believe prayer has power, so we seek first and foremost help from the Lord.

Even as the virus outbreak prevents us from gathering as a parish to worship as we are accustomed, we will still need to support one another in our caregiving. This can happen through prayer, through verbal encouragement, and through coming alongside others to provide help in a crisis. Check in on your fellow parishioners by phone, email, text, and social media; also, check in on your neighbors.”

Also, stay informed using reliable sources.

With love in Christ and praying for you all,

Fr Seth


Sunday of St Gregory Palamas


Sunday of Orthodoxy