Stewardship Pledge

What is a stewardship pledge?
A stewardship pledge is a commitment, made after deliberate and prayerful consideration, to contribute a specific amount of money to the parish community. It is a reflection of your gratitude for God’s abundant grace in your life. Pledging enables the parish to make realistic budget projections for the coming calendar year. We hope that all households will make a stewardship pledge—even if it is only a small amount per week—as an expression of a vital commitment to St Tikhon Mission.

Is there a minimum amount I have to pledge in order to be a member at St Tikhon Mission?
No. All gifts, great and small are gratefully received at St Tikhon. Please don’t let the ability or inability to pledge affect your whether or not you show up to church. We are glad you’re here.

How can I pay my pledge?
St Tikhon accepts cards, checks, and cash (through giving envelopes – found in the back of the nave). You can also add St Tikhon as a payee in your bank’s online bill pay feature.

Are my gifts to St Tikhon tax deductible?
Yes your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by federal and state law. You will receive a statement from the treasurer at the end of the year detailing your tax deductible contributions.

What’s a good way to figure out what my pledge will be?
Prayer is a great start! Pledging and giving regularly is a great spiritual discipline. The Diocese of the South considers pledging a financial commitment to your parish as a requirement for membership. All members are urged to make a yearly commitment of financial support to the parish, the standard of which is a tithe (one-tenth) of their income.  We encourage you though, to give what you can, whether it’s a dollar, five or five hundred a week.

What if I pledge and my circumstances change?
Your pledge to St Tikhon Mission is not a commitment set in stone. It’s your best guess of what you intend to give. If you find that your financial circumstances change in the course of a year – that’s OK – your pledge can be revised.

How can I submit my pledge?
You can submit your pledge by dropping it in the tithe box on Sunday, or online below.